catapultR Help & Support

You may occasionally run into a problem when working with the catapultR package. If so, information on this page can help you resolve it.


Generally speaking, because we believe that catapultR users will embrace the spirit of any good R user of self-learning using the relevant documentations - available on this website in this case - expectations around the support of the catapultR package should be low. For example, there is no direct support line to packages such as ggplot or dplyr - so people should not expect one for catapultR! However, the Data Science Team is of course committed to fixing bugs specific to the catapultR and will share links to relevant documentation as needed in order to help maintain excitement about the package. For any other requests related to R programming in general, we encourage you to check Stack Overflow (or similar sites).

Report an Issue

We aim to respond to each query within 2 business days.